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Houses and house captains

At Newton Leys, our children get SMART points for following our SMART charter. We add all these points up each week and they go into our jars so that everyone can see their house total building up. We announce which house has achieved the most points in assembly at the end of the week and then the overall winner at the end of each term.

Our 4 houses are:

Golden Griffins

Blue Basilisks

Magenta Minotaurs

Green Goblins

Each house has a captain that is voted for by their peers. The house Captains of Newton leys are responsible for inspiring the whole school to get as many house points as possible. They are to model the best behaviour and follow our SMART values. Not only will they inspire the other children, but they will keep track and announce the house points on a weekly basis to the school in both key stage assemblies to rally and motivate the children to achieve as many house points as possible to ultimately at the end of the year win the prestigious house cup. 

This year our Captains are:

Golden Griffins

Aaliyah O.

Blue Basilisks

Matilde C.

Magenta Minotaurs

Ethan G.

Green Goblins

Lincoln S.