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At Newton Leys Primary School, we have designed our curriculum to develop the children’s excitement and curiosity about scientific learning and discovery. Our aim is for pupils to recognise the importance of science in all aspects of their daily lives, encourage wonderment about how the natural world works and further their knowledge and understanding of our world as well as preparing children for STEM related careers. This is taught through a topic-based approach by giving the children hands on experience wherever possible through scientific inquiry. These skills include abilities to respond to and pose questions, make predictions, and to design and conduct experiments. 


At Newton Leys Primary School, we use objectives from the Plymouth Science Scheme in conjunction with strategies from Rosenshine's Principles to deliver our science lessons. The curriculum is planned to build increasingly sophisticated knowledge of the products (substantive knowledge) and practices (disciplinary knowledge) of science.

In KS1 and KS2, the children are taught every week for two hours. In Early Years pupils will begin to grasp early science concepts through play, problem solving, reasoning and observing.

A range of approaches are used with opportunities for outdoor learning being prioritised for at least one unit per year group. Practical lessons are taught where children are able to conduct experiments and plan a fair test as a minimum requirement of one investigation per unit. Pupils have opportunities for gaining research and questioning skills. SEND pupils receive support through scaffolded tasks and all pupils have access to resources to support learning. Challenge activities are offered to deepen understanding in Science.  

Summative assessment takes place at the end of each unit however teachers use this in conjunction with formative assessment throughout the daily lessons.

The school is maintaining the PQSM qualification having been awarded this in 2022. The children have opportunities to learn about science in the wider world thorough yearly visitors who have careers in STEM. Educational trip and visits are being developed to aid a deeper understanding of the science curriculum.  


Our children will develop: 

A wider variety of skills linked to both scientific knowledge and understanding, and scientific enquiry/investigative skills.
Meaningful, memorable learning experiences
A richer vocabulary which will enable to articulate their understanding of taught concepts.
High aspirations, which will see them through to further study and work. 
An ability to question ideas and reflect on knowledge. 
The ability to work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment. 
The opportunity to achieve age related expectations in Science at the end of their cohort year.