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Our school uniform expectations are outlined below. 

  • Newton Leys crew neck sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
  • White polo shirt (nursery to year 5)
  • White collared shirt with school tie (tie provided by the school, Year 6 only)
  • Plain black trousers (not combat style), shorts, black pinafore dress/skirt.
  • After Easter – purple gingham summer dress or playsuit, white socks
  • Black/Grey sock/tights
  • Black shoes
  • PE kit: plain white round neck t-shirt, plain black PE shorts, plain black sweatshirt/zip through, plain black jogging bottoms, plain black trainers
  • Newton Leys book bag with logo (a plain purple book bag without the logo is acceptable)
  • On Health & Safety grounds, children are not allowed to wear jewellery to school (except for small studs in pierced ears and watches) Small studs must be covered during PE.
  • Plain black or white headwear is permitted on religious or medical grounds and may have to be removed during PE for safety reason.
  • Extreme haircuts/hair colour are not permitted. The definition of what is extreme is at the discretion of the Headteacher

Uniform with the school logo can be obtained from: Kedaph, Bletchley or Maisies, Wolverton

We have a large selection of pre-loved uniform that can be purchased through our school office.